Avoiding Chaos

2 min readMay 25, 2023


From mobile applications to complex systems in companies, it is crucial to maintain order and consistency amidst a variety of events and interactions that occur in real time. One of the most effective ways to achieve this goal is by maintaining a state file. In this article, we will explore how maintaining a state file can prevent an application from turning into a mess, allowing for better system management and maintenance.

What is a state file?

A state file is a data structure that represents the current condition of an application at a given moment. It contains crucial information about the state of objects, variables, and events relevant to the application. In other words, it is a kind of snapshot that captures all the important information that can influence the behavior and logic of the system.

By adopting the use of a state file in our applications, we gain numerous benefits, such as:

Consistency and integrity: A well-maintained state file ensures the consistency and integrity of the application. By recording all relevant data, it is possible to avoid inconsistencies and errors resulting from outdated or conflicting information. With the state file as a reference, it is possible to validate data input, ensure that the application is in a valid state, and avoid unexpected behaviors.

Ease of debugging: In case of errors or bugs, a state file can be a valuable tool for debugging the application. By examining the captured state at a certain moment, it is possible to identify the conditions that led to the problem and reproduce it for analysis. This saves time and effort in identifying and fixing errors, speeding up the development and maintenance process.

Traceability and auditing: Maintaining a state file allows tracking the actions performed in the application over time. This is especially useful in critical applications such as financial or healthcare systems, where it is necessary to maintain an accurate history of transactions and events. Furthermore, the ability to audit and review the state file helps ensure compliance with regulations and internal policies.

Control of data flow: With a state file, it is possible to control and manage the flow of data in the application. It serves as a mechanism for coordinating communication between different components and systems, allowing them to share information in a structured manner. This reduces the likelihood of improper communication, data loss, or conflicts, resulting in a more cohesive and organized application.

Fault tolerance: A well-designed state file can provide a form of resilience to the application. In unexpected failure situations, such as power outages or system restarts, the state file can be used to quickly recover the application’s previous state, avoiding data loss or compromising integrity.

In a context where the complexity of applications is constantly growing, maintaining a state file becomes an essential practice. It offers significant benefits, from ensuring the consistency and integrity of the application to facilitating debugging and auditing. Additionally, it provides better control of data flow and increases fault tolerance. Therefore, by adopting this approach, companies and developers can prevent their applications from turning into a mess, improving the quality and reliability of their systems.

