Autoload vs. Event Discovery: Comparing Approaches

4 min readMay 25, 2023


In programming, there are several techniques for automatically loading classes and files in a project. Two of these approaches are “autoload” and “event discovery.” While both are used to handle dynamic resource loading, they differ in their strategies and functionalities. In this article, we will explore the differences between autoload and event discovery, highlighting how each of them handles automatic loading.

What is Autoload?

Autoload is a technique that allows for the automatic loading of classes and files as they are needed during the execution of a program. In languages like PHP, it is possible to register an autoload function that will be called automatically when a class is used and hasn’t been loaded yet. This function can then load the corresponding file for the requested class.

The main advantage of autoload is its simplicity and transparency for developers. With autoload properly configured, there is no need to manually load all the classes and files in every part of the code that uses them. However, autoload can have slightly slower performance since the autoload function is called repeatedly during program execution.

Autoload in Rails

Autoload in Rails is based on naming conventions and directories. When a class is referenced for the first time, autoload comes into action to automatically locate and load the corresponding file for the requested class. Rails follows a convention where the directory structure and class naming reflect their relationship.

For example, if we have a class called User in the app/models directory, Rails autoload will understand that the corresponding file is user.rb. Similarly, if we have a PostsController class in the app/controllers directory, autoload will look for the posts_controller.rb file.


Autoload in Rails is configured through the config/application.rb file. In this file, we find a section called config.autoload_paths, where it is possible to add custom directories that should be included in the autoload.

Additionally, Rails also provides default directories that are automatically included in the autoload, such as app/models, app/controllers, and app/helpers. These directories follow Rails conventions and are loaded automatically during application execution.

It is important to highlight that autoload in Rails is smart enough to automatically reload modified classes during development. This means that if we make changes to an existing class, we don’t need to restart the server for the changes to take effect. Autoload takes care of this automatically.

While autoload is a powerful feature in Ruby on Rails, it is essential to use it carefully to avoid performance issues and dependencies. It is recommended to follow Rails naming conventions and directories, as this ensures that autoload functions correctly.

In situations where additional classes need to be loaded or they deviate from the standard conventions, it is possible to add custom directories to autoload_paths in config/application.rb. This allows Rails to locate and automatically load these custom classes.

What is Event Discovery?

Event discovery is a more recent approach to automatic class and file loading. Instead of relying on an autoload function, this technique uses events to notify the system about the need to load specific resources. When a class is used, an event is triggered, and the system responds by automatically loading the corresponding file for the requested class.

Event discovery offers greater flexibility and control in resource loading. Events allow the developer to define when and how files should be loaded, adapting to the specific needs of the project. Additionally, event discovery can be combined with other caching and optimization mechanisms to improve performance.

However, event discovery may also require more complex configuration compared to autoload. It is necessary to define events correctly and ensure that the system is properly configured to respond to these events and load the requested resources.

Autoload vs. Event Discovery

Autoload and event discovery are two different approaches to automatic resource loading in a project. While autoload uses a registered function to automatically load classes when needed, event discovery relies on events being triggered to load the corresponding files for the requested resources.

In terms of simplicity, autoload tends to be easier to configure and use since it doesn’t require explicit event definitions. On the other hand, event discovery offers greater control and flexibility, allowing the developer to determine when and how resources are loaded.

Regarding performance, autoload may have slight delays as the autoload function is repeatedly called during program execution. Event discovery, on the other hand, can be optimized by combining it with caching and optimization mechanisms.


Both autoload and event discovery are valid approaches for automatic resource loading in a project. The choice between these techniques depends on the specific context and project requirements.

Autoload offers simplicity and transparency for developers, while event discovery provides greater control and flexibility. Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages in terms of performance and configuration.

By understanding the differences between autoload and event discovery, developers can make informed decisions and choose the most appropriate technique for their automatic resource loading needs.

